Top 10k strings from Invincible Island (1983)(Richard Shepard Software).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TAP] /

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   4 carried=carried-1
   3 "in a gloomy forest."
   2 z$=("what with ??"
   2 z$="it's not locked":
   2 noob=noob+1
   2 carried=carried+1
   2 ,"19","z","0"
   2 )+("you can't"
   2 "in a maze of caves."
   2 "23607",60
   1 ~~~~vjfn~~~~~^~>Z~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f
   1 z$=z$+("pit"
   1 z$=z$+"you can't carry any more":
   1 z$=z$+"pit .it is a dried up old well":
   1 z$=z$+"pit . you slip and fall on the ladder and plunge to the bottom.  it is full of cold murky water and you drown in seconds":
   1 z$=z$+"hut . it is gloomy and muddy inside.":
   1 z$=z$+"he gives you a phrasebook":
   1 z$=z$+"he gives you a PARCHMENT":
   1 z$=z$+" you leave the harbour and strike out to sea. unfortunately you don't know where the mainland is and after several days you die a lingering death from exposure":
   1 z$=z$+" you hear a dull thud as they hit the bottom":
   1 z$=z$+" it tastes rather strange .":
   1 z$=z$+" after a long pause you hear a distant splash as they hit bottom":
   1 z$=z$+" after a few minutes it becomes obvious that the objects you brought with you are weighing the boat down. you try to turn round but a big wave catches you and the boat capsizes. you drown in seconds":
   1 z$=(("you don't have "+
   1 z$=("you see a pair of eyes watching you through the trees"
   1 z$=("you feel very dizzy "
   1 z$=("you feel cold"
   1 z$=("you can't"
   1 z$=("what with ? your bare hands ?"
   1 z$=("i don't see a keyhole"
   1 z$=(" your canary just collapsed"
   1 z$="your score is "+("a pathetic "
   1 z$="you'll need it":
   1 z$="you'll have to get out first won't you":
   1 z$="you'll have to fill it with air first":
   1 z$="you'd better find it first ???":
   1 z$="you unlock the "+("chest"
   1 z$="you try to cross the bridge but it collapses under you. you hit the gound with a great thud and crack open your skull. you are dead":
   1 z$="you throw some stones into the pit. "
   1 z$="you take the "+v$+" ":
   1 z$="you take the "+d$:
   1 z$="you take off the ANORAK":
   1 z$="you smash the poor old man a crushing blow on the head "+("and he drops a something as he falls"
   1 z$="you set sail in the boat . "
   1 z$="you see nothing. everything is pitch black"
   1 z$="you see a swarm of natives brandishing swords and spears"+(" in the distance "
   1 z$="you scrabble madly at the ground with your bare hands but can't make any headway":
   1 z$="you sail away from XARO and escape alive "+("with the treasure "
   1 z$="you put out the torch":
   1 z$="you put on the ANORAK":
   1 z$="you open the door":
   1 z$="you open the chest and a large coiled snake leaps out and bites you. you feel dizzy.":
   1 z$="you must be mad , or superman!":
   1 z$="you light the torch":
   1 z$="you inflate the dingy":
   1 z$="you go "+
   1 z$="you give him the "+g$+" he is very gratefull . ":
   1 z$="you examine the pit. it has a very rusty metal ladder leading down inside it":
   1 z$="you examine the's an inflatable dingy":
   1 z$="you examine the altar. above it is a message reading..... search the high and low places but beware of the ancient land for none may follow":
   1 z$="you examine the "+d$+". it has some strange writing on it but you cannot read it":
   1 z$="you examine the "+d$+" but see nothing special.":
   1 z$="you eat the food .":
   1 z$="you drop the "+v$:
   1 z$="you drop the "+d$:
   1 z$="you drink the potion":
   1 z$="you dont have one":
   1 z$="you don't have one":
   1 z$="you don't have one !!":
   1 z$="you don't have anything to put out":
   1 z$="you don't have anything to light":
   1 z$="you don't have anything to eat":
   1 z$="you don't have anything to drink":
   1 z$="you don't have a "+d$:
   1 z$="you dig into the soil and uncover a huge pile of GOLD ":
   1 z$="you dig but find nothing":
   1 z$="you dig but find nothing "+("but mud"
   1 z$="you cross to the "+("island"
   1 z$="you cross the bridge":
   1 z$="you catch the native a glancing blow "+("and something falls from his hand"
   1 z$="you can't. it's too strong":
   1 z$="you can't"+(" dummy"
   1 z$="you can't"+(" .it's too heavy to move"
   1 z$="you can't get near enough to strike a blow":
   1 z$="you can't drink that":
   1 z$="you can't carry it":
   1 z$="you break open the box .inside is a faded yellow parchment.":
   1 z$="you attack the native with your bare hands. unfortunately he has a spear . he stabs you in the "+("arm"
   1 z$="which key ???":
   1 z$="what parchment ?":
   1 z$="what ???":
   1 z$="what ??":
   1 z$="what ?? "+("i don't think the native wants it"
   1 z$="what "+d$+" ???":
   1 z$="what "+d$+" ?":
   1 z$="what "+d$+" ? X ray vision eh !":
   1 z$="what !!":
   1 z$="what !! . you can't unlock a "+d$:
   1 z$="throw them where ??":
   1 z$="tape enter":
   1 z$="start tape then press enter":
   1 z$="pyromaniac !!!":
   1 z$="pretty useless weapon that":
   1 z$="pardon ?":
   1 z$="now now . don't gloat":
   1 z$="not recommended. they would just blow away":
   1 z$="no chance":
   1 z$="it's open already !":
   1 z$="it's not alight":
   1 z$="it's locked":
   1 z$="it's just a key !":
   1 z$="it's far too strong to break !"+("even with an axe"
   1 z$="it's alight already":
   1 z$="it's a map of the surrounding waters":
   1 z$="i see nothing to unlock":
   1 z$="i see nothing to open":
   1 z$="i see nothing to kill. don't be so vicious":
   1 z$="i see nothing to inflate !":
   1 z$="i see nothing to cross":
   1 z$="i hear nothing special":
   1 z$="i do not see "+
   1 z$="hello. nice weather isn't it":
   1 z$="he doesn't want it":
   1 z$="give him what ??":
   1 z$="fine thanks, how are you ?":
   1 z$="exits lead ":
   1 z$="drop what ?":
   1 z$="don't you think that's a bit over generous":
   1 z$="don't talk rubbish":
   1 z$="don't be silly":
   1 z$="do you really want to do something silly like that ??":
   1 z$="cross what ???":
   1 z$="but you don't have a "+g$:
   1 z$="but you don't have a "+d$:
   1 z$="but you can't swim that far !":
   1 z$="break what "+("superman "
   1 you have with you :-":
   1 vjvvvj~~~~~~vv~~n~
   1 treasure somewhere on the island
   1 to find the treasure and
   1 several months ago in which he
   1 score=score+10
   1 score=score+(10
   1 said that he believed that the
   1 s$="LOOK":
   1 received from a Dr Chumley
   1 program by Pete Cooke";
   1 pos=pos+(8
   1 islanders had hidden a massive
   1 island of the XARO.
   1 invincible island
   1 in)+("out of"
   1 in)+" the ":
   1 in a small boat, your aim is
   1 find the islands secret.
   1 explorer stranded on the remote
   1 escape alive.
   1 did not live long enough to
   1 d$(n)+" ")
   1 carried=carried+(1
   1 ^^n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nVfv~~n~~~~~~~~~
   1 Z$="you take the parchment":
   1 Z$="you rest":
   1 Z$="you go "+("in" 
   1 Z$="you examine the sign. it bears a message......  beware those who enter the forest. follow the way laid out for you.":
   1 Z$="you examine the parchment":
   1 Z$="you don't have any "+d$:
   1 Z$="you couldn't even lift one !":
   1 Z$="what !!!":
   1 Z$="throw what !!!":
   1 Z$="theres no-one here to give anything to":
   1 Z$="that's a novel garment":
   1 Z$="pardon":
   1 Z$="it already is":
   1 Z$="i see nothing to take"
   1 Z$="i see nothing to set sail in":
   1 Z$="he won't let you . he keeps edging away":
   1 Z$="examine what ??":
   1 Z$="and the same to you":
   1 Z$="You are "+M$:
   1 Z$="O.K.":
   1 S$="LOOK":
   1 NOOB=NOOB+1
   1 Invicible4z,
   1 Invicible3
   1 Invicible2
   1 Invicible1W
   1 Invicible0
   1 D YOU'LL F
   1 ;"nothing";:
   1 ;"do you want to try again ?(Y/N)"
   1 ;"The Chest-  find a liquid cure  for the venom and look          carefully afterwards"
   1 ;"Press any key":
   1 ;"Press any key to load":
   1 ;"Press any key to continue":
   1 ;"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEF"(6
   1 ;" Invincible ";
   1 ;"   Island   ";
   1 ;"            ";
   1 5555((((((((((5555555555555555
   1 5555((((((((((((5555555555555
   1 5555(((((((((((((((55555555555555555555((((((((((5555555555555555555555((((((((((((((((5555555555555555((((((((((-5555555555555555-----(((((((((55555555555555555555555(((((((((55555555555555555555555555555555555555555((((((5555555555555555555500005555(((((((11111111111111110000001111111111111111111111110000000000111111111111111111100000000000000011111111111111000000000000000000001111444444000000000000000000000000004444444444000000000000000000000044444444444444400000000000444444
   1 4444444444444444444444444444444
   1 4444444444444444444444444444
   1 444444444444444444444444
   1 )=("rusty "
   1 )=("north"
   1 )=("a"+("n"
   1 );("you see "
   1 )+d$+(". you see nothing special"
   1 )+D$+" here":
   1 )+(("you examine the "+
   1 )+(("it doesn't work. are you surprised"
   1 )+("your not wearing it"
   1 )+("your arms and legs are going numb with the cold"
   1 )+("you just froze to death"
   1 )+("you just died from the poisonous venom"
   1 )+("you just died from lack of oxygen"
   1 )+("you can't breath here"
   1 )+("wrong key"
   1 )+("wooden "
   1 )+("what box eh!"
   1 )+("tatty old "
   1 )+("south"
   1 )+("something leaps out from the trees and smashes you on the head. you are dead."
   1 )+("mainland"
   1 )+("jewelled "
   1 )+("huge pile of "
   1 )+("heart and you expire messily."
   1 )+("door" 
   1 )+("caged yellow "
   1 )+("bubbling green "
   1 )+(". they catch you and stab you to death."
   1 )+(" behind you. they are closing in"
   1 )+" in the dingy":
   1 )+" but you cannot kill him":
   1 )+" . you see another old native step into the room":
   1 )*B,((C-128
   1 ))+("you don't have one"
   1 ))+"to the mainland"+(" . CONGRATULATIONS !!!  you made it"
   1 (((((((((((((((((((5555555555555555555555555555555555555555
   1 "outside a long stockade. A solid door blocks your path."
   1 "on the shore of a calm blue lake. A small island can be seen in the distance."
   1 "on the peak of a tall snow covered mountain."
   1 "on the edge of a large sprawling forest. A sign stands in front of you."
   1 "on an open plain,a large rusty chest is lying here."
   1 "on an empty beach."
   1 "on an empty beach near the shore of a lake"
   1 "on a winding path leading north among tall trees."
   1 "on a warm sandy beach,a small hut is near the shore."
   1 "on a sandy plain.  A deep pit is dug in the sand."
   1 "on a sandy beach near several piles of heavy boulders."
   1 "on a rocky, sand covered island surrounded by clear blue waters."
   1 "on a path leading east through the trees."
   1 "on a hill overlooking a valley. A deep pit is dug into the ground."
   1 "on a broad path overlooking a sweeping valley. A native of the island is watching you suspiciously."
   1 "near the source of a winding river. A frail and rickety bridge leads across."
   1 "inside the temple. A jewel encrusted altar stands by the far wall."
   1 "inside the pagoda in a sweeping circular room.A old wizened native is watching you."
   1 "in the forest at the end of the narrow path."
   1 "in the courtyard of a magnificent temple. Heavy stone steps lead upwards."
   1 "in a small cove by the sea. A small boat is anchored here."
   1 "in a small clearing in the forest surrounded by tall and forbidding trees."
   1 "in a narrow passage deep underground."
   1 "in a maze of underground caves under the cliff."
   1 "in a maze of passages and caves."
   1 "in a maze of gloomy caves."
   1 "in a maze of gloomy caverns."
   1 "in a maze of damp dark caves."
   1 "in a maze of damp caves."
   1 "in a maze of caves, a dim light shows to the north."
   1 "in a lush green valley."
   1 "in a large cave deep in the ground. Three tunnels lead off in different directions."
   1 "in a land of rolling hills."
   1 "in a green and pleasant land. A track winds away to the north."
   1 "in a deserted land. Three stone pillars stand crumbling in the pale sunlight."
   1 "in a dark and gloomy forest."
   1 "in a dark and foreboding forest."
   1 "in a cold dark forest."
   1 "in a barren and deserted land."
   1 "deep underground in a dark passage."
   1 "deep in the mountains on a narrow path leading upwards."
   1 "deep in the forest on a narrow winding path leading east."
   1 "by the edge of a clear blue lake."
   1 "by a river winding through a green and pleasant land."
   1 "by a path in a dead and silent plain."
   1 "by a native hut."
   1 "by a deep pit in the sand."
   1 "at the late Dr. Chumleys deserted camp. Two empty and tattered tents are flapping in the breeze."
   1 "at the foothills of a wide and sweeping mountain range."
   1 "at the foot of a wall."
   1 "at the foot of a tall dark cliff. A small passage leads to the west."
   1 "at the foot of a tall cliff."
   1 "at the foot of a strong wall."
   1 "at the entrance to an ornate pagoda hidden by tall peaks. A broad path leads to the red oak door."
   1 "at the edge of a calm blue lake."
   1 "W","4","WEST","4","WITH","204","WALL","145","WEAR","27","z","0"
   1 "U","5","UP","5","UNLOCK","24","z","0"
   1 "The pits-  Find the right one   (some stones might help)"
   1 "The natives-  be generous!!"
   1 "The mountains-  keep well       wrapped up"
   1 "The island-  Find the dinghy"
   1 "The forest-  follow the path andkeep your cool (south at end of path)" 
   1 "The final puzzle you will have  to work out for yourself"
   1 "The caves-  Take the canary and a torch (beware-its a one way   trip)"
   1 "The bridge-  Watch your weight"
   1 "TAKE","20","T","20","TORCH","57","TEMPLE","141","TENTS","138","TO","205","THROW","35","TREASURE","70","z","0"
   1 "START TAPE ":
   1 "S","2","SOUTH","2","SCORE","11","STONES","60","SKULL","59","SPADE","64","SWORD","55","STEPS","148","SIGN","113","SET","0","SAIL","37","SAVE","42",
   1 "REST","16","RUSTY","150","RED","151","RIVER","143","z","0"
   1 "QUIT","10","z","0"
   1 "PUT","27","POTION","61","PARCHMENT","71","PHRASEBOOK","58","PAGODA","140","PIT","115","PACKAGE","67","z","0"
   1 "OPEN","23","OUT","8","ON","200","OFF","201","OK","18","z","0"
   1 "N","1","NORTH","1","NECKLACE","53","NATIVE","111","z","0"
   1 "MOUNTAIN","134","MAP","69","z","0"
   1 "LOOK","9","L","9","LIGHT","32","LAKE","139","LOAD","41","LEAVE","8","z","0"
   1 "KILL","26","KEY","51","z","0"
   1 "Invincible Island Hints"
   1 "Invicible4"
   1 "Invicible3"
   1 "Invicible2"
   1 "Invicible1"
   1 "IN","7","INFLATE","31","I","13","INVENTORY","13","ISLAND","144","INTO","202","z","0"
   1 "HUT","136","HELP","12","HELLO","17","z","0"
   1 "GO","0","GIVE","29","GOLD","70","z","0"
   1 "FOOD","66","FOOTPUMP","56",
   1 "E","3","EAST","3","ENTER","7","EXAMINE","22","EAT","36","SAIL","37","z","0"
   1 "D","6","DOWN","6","DROP","21","DOOR","146","DINGY","62","DRINK","34","DIG","15","z","0"
   1 "CANARY","65","CAGE","65","CROSS","30","CAVE","130","COVE","132","CHEST","114","z","0"
   1 "BREAK","25","BOX","68","BOAT","142","BRIDGE","147","BOULDERS","149","z","0"
   1 "AXE","54","AND","255","ALTAR","112","ANORAK","63","ALL","254","z","0"
   1 "99","99","2","13","51","99","63","41"
   1 "9000+pos":
   1 "54790","54863","54864","54926","54927","54989","54990","55018","55019","55058","55059","55090","55091","55158"
   1 "54771",ANORAK
   1 "54770",dingy
   1 "54769",light
   1 "54768",carried
   1 "54767",pos
   1 "4","60","16","21","9","42","36","99","34","7","12","99","29","29","28","12","58","24","47","99"
   1 "23607",249
   1 "23606",163
   1 "(200*VN)-800":
   1  Your only guide is a letter you
   1  You have arrived on the island
   1  WHEN THE 
   1  Unfortunately Dr. Chumley
   1   In this adventure you are an
   1     press enter to start        
   1             ";